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Enhance your camera with this luxurious wrist strap handmade by myself with premium braided rope and a Horween leather end attached to the Peak Design Anchor Link AL4 system.


The premium 6mm diameter nylon rope is incredibly strong yet lightweight, soft and supple. I have burnished the Horween leather edges to give a smooth feel before hand stitching with strong Ritza waxed polyester thread. A fitted rubber slider ring allows the strap to be tightened around the wrist for extra security.


Connection to the camera is via the Peak Design Anchor Link. Supplied with a spare anchor the strap can quickly be switched between two cameras. The Anchors have an incredibly strong 3 layer construction and are rated up to 90kg of force.


This strap can be used with a vast range of cameras from a compact to a heavy DSLR.

"CORDY" Premium Rope Camera Wrist Strap with Peak Design Anchor Link

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